Holy Thursday
Becoming Eucharist
Mealtime Table Talk for Families
Every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the temple area and to breaking bread in their homes. They ate their meals with exultation and sincerity of heart, praising God and enjoying favor with all the people. –Acts of the Apostles 2:46-47a
Bring your bible and this print and fold-able ‘table tent’ (or your electronic device) to your dinner table with your family to discuss Sunday’s Gospel and how you can be the Body of Christ in the world.
Prayer before meals
Bless us, O Lord,
and these thy gifts which
we are about to receive from thy bounty,
through Christ, Our Lord.
Eat the meal together. Have each family member respond to the following questions:
Where have I given kindness this week?
Where have I received kindness this week?
Together Read and Reflect on the Holy Day’s Gospel
April 1, 2021, Holy Thursday –Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper: John 13:1-15
Feel free to use your family bible or children’s bible. Be creative. Read it in parts. Act out the story.
- It was common in the time of Jesus to have servants wash the feet of guests of a house. Why do you think Jesus washed the feet of the disciples instead of having a servant do it?
- Why do you think Peter did not want Jesus to wash his feet?
- When have you been like Jesus and humbled yourself to serve another?
- When have others been like Jesus to you?
Family Action Step
Go out into the world to be the Body of Christ. Choose an action for your family this week that brings Christ to others. Maybe it is an action inspired by your Gospel reflection.
Prayer after Meals
We give you thanks
for all your gifts,
almighty God,
living and reigning
now and for ever.
For further reflection during Lent:
Palm Sunday Reflection (6:22) offered again, complete with the Stations of the Cross
Presented as a collaborative effort facilitated by Catholic Education Ministries with special thanks to:
- Presenter: Nina Walz, Saint Cloud Mission Office.
- Students and Teachers from the Spanish Classes at Cathedral High School for reading in both Spanish and English.
- Stations Reflection Clip, improvisations created and performed by David Fremo and photographs taken from staff at the following parishes:
- Diocesan Pastoral Center – Station 1
- St. John the Baptist, Swanville – Station 2
- Immaculate Conception, Rice – Station 3
- St. Augustine, Saint Cloud – Station 4
- Sacred Heart, Sauk Rapids – Station 5
- Holy Cross, Onamia and Sacred Heart, Wahkon – Station 6
- Holy Family, Belle Prairie – Station 7
- St. Paul, Saint Cloud – Station 8
- Sacred Heart, Freeport – Station 9
- Seven Dolors, Albany – Station 10
- St. Mary Help of Christians, Saint Augusta – Station 11
- St. Mary Cathedral, Saint Cloud – Station 12
- St. James, Randall – Station 13
- St. Mary, Milaca – Station 14